After dominating the Blue and Gray teams on Wednesday and Thursday, it looked like the Orange team might end the 2018 Orange and Blue World Series with a loss. That was not the case, as Kellen Sarver drove in two key runs with a base hit for a comeback win on Friday. The Orange Team won 5-4-4.
It wasn’t until Friday’s game that either the Blue or Gray team scored but they made it a game worth watching. At one point, it was tied 3-all and with a run each, the Blue and Gray team took the lead 4-4-3. That was when Sarver’s key made all the difference.
It’s worth mentioning that Kellen Sarver had a part in the Orange Team’s big win on Thursday. Yikes! They defeated the Blues and Grays by the score of 10-0-0. Sarver contributed a three-run homer. Not long after that, Orange Team catcher Jeff Korte did the same thing. As tradition goes in Orange and Blue World Series, those who hit homeruns do NOT get the round the bases… they need to retrieve the ball from past the fence (baseballs are expensive!).
In all, a great series by Orange Team’s roster of Andrew Dyke, Jeff Korte, Michael Michalak, Kellen Sarver and Ben Troike!

The Orange and Blue World Series is always a good chance to see some of the new players and we certainly did that. Special kudos goes to new guys Jacob Campbell, Cam McDonald and Branden Comia who all participated in the series offensively as well as pitchers Caleb Larson, Josh Harris (above), Aidan Maldonado and Nathan Lavender.

Speaking of pitching, it was interesting to see David Craan above working the opposite side of the battery. Normally a catcher, I don’t think I have ever seen David on the mound except to talk to the pitcher. While he did give the two-run hit to Sarver, he didn’t look all that bad either.
You can see photos from Game 2 on Thursday here and photos from Game 3 on Friday here.