Making the lists
In the off-season, Buckeye State Baseball is doing a Top 9 Division I Moments of 2009 as they pertain to Ohio baseball. Number 6 on the list is “Welcome to the Adult Table Big Ten”. In some ways it’s an all-encompassing topic but it manifests itself in the Ohio State-Illinois…
More on the February home opener
I’ve gotten some questions both online and in person about the early home opening series against the Bradley Braves on February 20-21. Let’s clear a couple things up: no, it’s not a typo and no, the team won’t be playing in any local indoor facility Nice try. Those who show…
Columbus locks up Tournament till 2012
The Big Ten announced today that Columbus, Ohio has locked up the Big Ten Baseball Tournament through 2012. Specifically, the tourney will be played at Bill Davis Stadium in 2010. It will then return to Huntington Park where the 2009 Tournament was played for the years 2011 and 2012. From…
2010 schedule features new tournaments, a cold home opener
Illinois announced that they have released their 2010 baseball schedule last week. They’re playing in a couple new tournaments this year. But the big surprise is that they will be opening at home. Brr! But hey, it’s baseball in a little over two months away and that makes me happy. …
December News Mishmosh
New Banner You may notice I changed the banner that headlines this website. Times change and players move on so I thought I’d update the photos to reflect that. Also, while I’m on the topic of photos, I’ve put a widget on the sidebar that will display a random photo…
This day in Illini history: Red Grange’s last day in uniform
A streak of fire, a breath of flame Eluding all who reach and clutch; A gray ghost thrown into the game That rival hands may never touch; A rubber bounding, blasting soul Whose destination is the goal — Red Grange of Illinois! Grantland Rice Permit me to go a little…
One More Time
A whimsical topic here. How many of you pay attention to post-game music at Illinois Field? You know, the song you hear as you are leaving the stands? I always thought it had a good beat and wondered what it was. I even asked a few in the know what…
Illinois Baseball Recruit Six
It’s that time of year. Since practice was over in early October, the coaching staff have been busy talking to possible recruits. Now we get to see the fruits of their labor. Last week, Coach Hartleb announced that six players have signed national letters of intent. And let’s get this…
Local Kiwanis host Sports Trivia Championship on Jan 31
For those in the Champaign-Urbana area, the local Kiwanis chapter is putting on a “Sports Trivia Championship” on Sunday, January 31 at the Hilton Garden Inn. The topics for the questions that will be asked seem to be locally driven: Illini basketball and football Cubs, Cardinals and White Sox Chicago…