As someone who works at the University of Illinois and lives four blocks from campus, I can tell you the atmosphere has really changed in the past week. U of I students have been back at classes for a week for the 2011 fall semester and campus is hustling! Good luck to the baseball team in their studies. Maybe I’m old school but that is why you’re here. Nag, nag.
That said, all work and no play makes Willie Argo a dull boy. SID Ben Taylor tells me that individual workouts have started and full team practice will begin towards the beginning of the month. I’m sure the guys are glad to get back in the swing of things. You can bet I’m planning to go out to Illinois Field this fall a few times and will have the photos to prove it.
Maybe don’t put this in your calendar quite yet since this is tentative but October 3-5 is slated for the Orange and Blue World Series. Once the date is finalized, I’ll let everyone know.